Search (Your Mac) Smarter - Digital Literacy Dover

Monday, 18 May 2015


Search (Your Mac) Smarter

Sort your Life Out

It's all well and good being a Google Ninja, but what good is that if you can't find the files you want on your own computer?


Files vs Folders

Less is More when it comes to folders (or 'directories' as some techie types like to call them).

So create FEWER folders, with MANY MORE files in them, treat them more like storage bins than sleeves - and only create folders when you have a bundle of files to actually put in them, trying to create folders BEFORE you have files is a pointless exercise in clairvoyance and confusion if you ask me. The other problem with 'folderitus' is the tendency to amass a load of duplicate files, files with exactly the same name that have placed in different folders. If they'd been in one huge folder, you would have been alerted to the duplication.
Stop treating folders like document sleeves...
Treat folders like storage crates - Less with More inside

So – oh look, you have a load of files do with planning that unit on Zen Buddhism and Karaoke? Fine, NOW create a folder, and dump them in there, but remember this, file names are much more important than folders. Some people *gasp* have even stopped creating folders AT ALL!! They just name their files with smart titles with useful keywords, and that's it ...

Start using file names that use useful keywords - so instead of calling that document 'Planning' how about ... 'Planning Zen Buddhism and Karaoke' now when you do a search you have a far greater likelihood of actually finding what you want.

Otherwise for example, a search for 'planning' could produce a load of files with identical names...

Sort out your Sorting


So when you have a bunch of files on display in your finder, make sure you take advantage of the button which lets you 'change item arrangement' pick whatever option will make it easiest to move the files you want to the top - I personally find the 'Date modified' to be the most useful.


For a more thorough break down and even more awesome advice for becoming a Finder Afficionado click here.

Mac Basics: The Finder - Apple Support Website

So... now that you know how to search your Mac, all you need to do is the same in your Google Drive...

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